%% INCLUDE html/header title = "ABWTwist: Twisted Shapes for POV-Ray" keywords = "ray tracing,POV-Ray,twist,spiral,organic" description = "ABWTwist: Twisted Shapes for POV-Ray" bodytags = "vlink=\"#4141ba\"" %% %% INCLUDE header heat = 120 secname = abwtwist secdesc = "ABWTwist" back = "code" %%
Copyright © 1994-97 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.


[ download 24 bit JPEG 800x280 18k ]

ABWTwist is a utility to create data files for the POV-Ray ray tracer, Version 2.x and onwards. It creates twisted spirals of spheres, cubes or blobs that grow or shrink in size, spiral in or out, rotate, stretch or contract. In particular, ABWTwist is ideal for creating organic looking twisted creatures.

For further information on POV-Ray, check out the official POV-Ray web site:

Further examples of ABWTwist output can be found on the Digital Artist pages.



Copyright, License and Distribution Terms

ABWTwist is freely distributed software. No charge or registration fee is required for using the program and it may be distributed by any electronic or magnetic media providing the package is complete and unchanged.

No charge may be made for the program expect a small handling charge or for media supplied. The program may not be sold in any other way without the express permission of the author, Andy Wardley <abw@peritas.com>

No guarantees or warranties are made with the program and the author can accept no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred through using this program. I hate having to say that.


ABWTwist runs interactively, prompting the user to input parameters as required.

ABWTwist creates twisted strands of objects, using either spheres, cubes or blobs as the basic building blocks. In the first instance, the user is prompted to enter 's', 'b' or 'c' to denote sphere, blobs or cubes.

In all instances, the user must enter the number of steps (how many spheres/blobs/cubes make up the chain), the degrees to rotate (e.g. 360 = 1 complete rotation, 720 = 2 rotations, 180 = half rotation), the overall height of the chain (in POV-Ray "world" units) and the radius ("Major" radius) of the twist at the top and bottom of the chain. This radius can be thought of as the radius of an imaginary cylinder around which the chain is wrapped. If the top and bottom major radii are different, then an imaginary cone is the shape around which the chain is wrapped.

Spheres and Blobs also require that the minor radius be specified for the top and bottom of the chain. This is the radius of the sphere or blob itself. The size of the elements will be gradually interpolated between the top and bottom.

Blob chains also required that the blob strength at the top and bottom be specified. Like the minor radius, the blob strength is interpolated through all the elements. The overall blob threshold for the chain must also be entered when prompted.

Cubes chains can also have a number of other parameters. The width, height and depth (x, y, z) of the cubes and their rotation about their own axes (x, y, z) can be specified. One again, these values are interpolated between the top and bottom of the chain.

Finally, an output filename is entered and the data is written to the file.

Compiling ABWTwist

The source code is distributed with ABWTwist to allow you to compile it for your own system. The code compiles cleanly on a SVR4 UNIX machine, but is untested on any other system. Maths library is required.

On most UNIX systems, something like the following should suffice:

  cc -o geodome geodome.c -lm
ABWTwist may be distributed freely as long as it is in its original form complete with all files, copyright messages, documentation, etc. Modified versions of the program may not be distributed without express permission of the author. You are encouraged to modify, update or improve ABWTwist and submit your modified version to the author for perusal or inclusion in further versions of ABWTwist.

Author Information

ABWTwist was written by Andy Wardley.

Please contact me (preferably by email) if you have any comments, criticisms, suggestions or even praise!


On the Web:
http://www.peritas.com/~abw (Home Page)

Real Life Address: (to send money, gifts, postcards, etc.)
Andy Wardley
c/o Peritas Multimedia
Burfield Road
Old Windsor

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