Samuel Franklin Cody

Under construction. We plan to have a short summary of who S.F. Cody was, what he did and which kites he invented at this place. We are still looking for more informations. Any information or pointers to places where to find more information, very much appreciated.

Overview about available plans

We have found several plans in some books and special papers (and we were suprised how many plans we actually found). In the following table we have summarized some of the characteristics of the different plans. A more detailed description can be found later in this document.

ReferenceCell sizeType SparsFabric Rating
D. Pelham ?? normalRamin? not mentioned-
Hugh H.J. Andrew?? BothBamboo?? ++
Nico van den Berg ??Extended Wing Bamboo??+
A. Rathge 45cmExtended Wing GlasfiberRipstop++
W. Backes50cm normalRaminTyvek O
Skywork Experience II 30cmExtended WingCarbon RipstopO
Drachenmagazin 35cmExtended WingCarbonRipstop ++
Bill Cochrane 35cm, 75cm, 45cmnormal and Extended Wing?? Ripstop??
Please note: Ratings are our personal, biased and completely subjective view.
Ratings:++ excellent, + good, 0 medium, - poor, -- very poor
We just tried to indicate, how far a plan can be used to built a Cody kite.

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