
Lines For A Flexifoil 10ft

In article <CB8LvC.B9K@bfsec.bt.co.uk> dhiggins@bfsec.bt.co.uk (Declan Higgins) writes:

 >> After much consideration and help from 
 >> andrew@tug.com -- Andrew Beattie
 >> jeffy@syrinx.umd.edu  -- Jeff ????
 >> ces1at@surrey.ac.uk -- Dr Andrew Tate
 >> ye79@gec-mrc.co.uk -- Chris Willis
 >> I have decided to get a 10Ft Felxifoil. Having discussed
 >> it with my local dealer he recommends 300lbsX150Ft dyneema (sp ?)
 >> lines --- these seem quite expensive, are they really necessary ?
 >> Does 300lb line not make the kite harder to launch. I am willing
 >> to buy them if they are the best/hardest wearing.
 >> Anyone got any opinions ?
 >> Thanks in advance one again 
 >>                                   Declan Higgins - dhiggins@bfsec.bt.co.uk 
 >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 >>              "Mihi crede, hoc mihi magis quam tibi nocet"
 >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Declan,  I don't have a 10' Flexi but I do stack 6' flexi's 4 deep for power
kiting.  The "Into the Wind" catalog recomends that the 10' be flown with
200 lb line.  But if you even think that you would like to stack another
kite with your 10' then I would stay with the 300 lb.  I also recomend that
you get a set of padded straps (handles) to fly with also.  These kites can
wear you down pretty fast.  If you use any other style of straps you will
most likely have a few fingers or your entire hand becoming knumb after
a short period of flying.  Good luck....the kites a blast.

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